6 Quotes & Sayings By Rose Leslie

Born in London, Rose Leslie is the daughter of the late Alexander Leslie, an Anglo-Irish landowner. She is the eldest of three children. The family's ancestral home, Drombeg, County Cork, is now owned by her family and maintained by them in good repair. Her mother is the daughter of the late William MacEwen, Duke of Fife Read more

She is a great-granddaughter of Hugh Barclay, 1st Baron MacNaghten, who was Secretary of State for War between 1868 and 1872 under Benjamin Disraeli; he was also Her Majesty Queen Victoria's last surviving uncle.

It is so inspirational, to see that in the world of Westeros, men are answering to women, and they are a force to be reckoned with. It's empowering, and it's inspirational as well, because you're just like, 'This is great! ' Rose Leslie
First and foremost, Scotland is my home, and I do consider myself Scottish, but I also feel very British, and I hope that Scotland stays within the Union. I have a real concern about independence. Rose Leslie
I have had the most wonderful childhood, and I was raised in a very loving family. And it was nothing short of an amazing privilege because I was incredibly lucky to be able to play up in trees and make it like silly dens in a bush and stuff like that. Rose Leslie
Going into auditions, there is a wonderful butterfly feeling in your stomach - an equal balance of being utterly terrified and exhilarated that this is your chance. Rose Leslie
Mum and Dad sent us to a bilingual school, so we had half the lessons in English and half in French. But I remember being hugely lost. Rose Leslie